Multiple health programs featuring home, gym and hybrid workouts.

Weight-loss CLINIC

The HUW Fasting & Weight-loss Clinic is the first step to weight loss that lasts a lifetime. This class is well-suited for overweight persons, overweight persons who have plateaued, obese, and morbidity obese persons. Each of our weight-loss clinics features professional coaching, fat-burning meal plans, workout routines, group support, and accountability that get results!



It's easy to get in phenomenal shape! CHISELED full-body routines feature 2-gym days split designed in style with the Mike Mentzer bodybuilding approach. Mark and Kendal have coupled the program with nutrition that activates the metabolism and energizes the body past stubborn weight loss and fitness plateaus.



If you’re after a muscular, ripped, and strong physique RIPPED by HUW gets you there! This is one powerful full-body program that builds the muscle, strength, look, and physique you've always wanted.

Weight-loss Clinic

We teach you how to burn fat and keep it off! Start with Tier I and graduate Tier II, III, & IV

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Fit-Body Clinic

Multiple, fat burning, muscle toning and overall fitness promoting programs that can be done at home or the gym.

Muscle Clinic

Reshape your entire physique with our muscle building programs.

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